Courtney Smith
Courtney Smith, M.A., CCC/A, FAAA is the founder and CEO of Sound Signature LLC. Based in Las Vegas, Courtney is a practicing audiologist and a graduate of the University of Iowa, one of the top universities in the field of audiology in the country. She received her Clinical Certificate of Competence from the American Speech Language Hearing Association in 2003 and became a Fellow of the American Academy of Audiology in 2004.
Courtney’s experiences with patients that sustained permanent hearing loss by working in noisy industries without access to adequate hearing protection solutions caused her to think about her professional responsibility in a different way.
Sound Signature LLC is the birth of her goal to educate people who work in noise by choice that there are options available to them – options many of her patients did not know about until it was too late.

AJ Palluck

A.J. Palluck graduated with a B.A. from the University of California at Santa Barbara and is Vice President of Operations for Las Vegas Athletic Clubs. He has lived and worked in Las Vegas since 1995. Working in the field of fitness has afforded him the opportunity to meet all walks of life and all manner of physical challenges- including those with hearing issues.
A.J. has also been a musician for more than 30 years and has been fortunate enough to play in numerous production shows and entertainment venues as a drummer and backing vocalist. Though he initially subjected himself to undue levels of sound damage early on, he has been a fervent advocate of hearing protection and in-ear monitor options since acquiring them himself in 2005.